วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Same line. IBC

Mo Ibrahim left in a ton of visual techniques pioneered AC Wong. Milan said in an interview that he welcomes the arrival of Carlos's. Tevez spearheading tamarind, one of Manchester's problems. City especially. IBC Tevez was Roberto. This information is Tadhagpleaiwand team. After he refused to play in the Champions League game. League with Bayern. Munich at the beginning of the season. And now it is AC. Milan ready to party. But the only problem is that the City wants to sell. But Milan is the capital and just lend themselves only. IBC
"For me, then. Tevez is a fantastic player. " IBC
"I just do not know what the situation really is. He will come or not come to me. "
"But he was a great player. And if he is with us. He has worked great for us. " IBC
"He will give us arms ... everyone knows that Tevez is the kind of player."
"He's a fantastic player and he will bring a better quality into our team." IBC

