Luis Suarez, head of a spear into the teeth of Liverpool may be forced to move. The new club is not in the Premier League. League after he was convicted of the English Football Association they are guilty of racial discrimination in the pat Maurice. Ephrata, and was banned eight games. IBC Although the conviction of eight games will be flat or official of the Association of British football. This is not punishment, but it will disappear when Suarez to pay a flat out bad. The media believe that he'll be a target for attack of these fans, opposing players and those who judge them. IBC
Spearheading the national team of Uruguay, this has come out in an interview expressed disappointment about that, he must not be banned eight games by claiming that the words he used (Negro) is not a word that is an insult to the skin. his country. However, the report of the English Football Association, said that Suarez then put the words in Ephrata. The approach is not satisfactory since it first came out to 7 times. IBC
Suarez, concerned that he might be a target for attack from all sides who are not team players. He told his friends that one might find a new team in Europe in the summer to this. Career with Liverpool after a period of just 12 months. IBC
This way, Sandra. Diaz's mother, Louise. Suarez was off to interview a concern. They fear that her son is black players in the Premier League. League play is already watching. IBC