Kenny Dalglish Pass and Move football game Blitz when dealing Clifton, VA to discuss Team Ireland's Rory. Kelly Pike Donegal team in the Premier League with a simple star. IBC
Dalglish has contacted the Clifton Beach club on Sunday to tell him the attention he was aged 19 years by the previous Swansea offer to £ 100,000 the forum. Everton had a verbal offer to the West Brom at the weekend with a shot of form as well. IBC
"We have expressed our interest. Now it is a process, "Dalglish said.
Ireland team to ensure the future of Donegal Kelly had been settled before Christmas and I met with a spear, and Brendan. Mr. Rogers is survived Swansea and David. The Boys Everton boss already. IBC Donegal Kelly scored all 17 goals this season by many of the stunning drop them as a team and want to own that his style as a player of the escape of the opposite area of the area of goals, including the World Cup ball. tackles as well.
The clip in Greenville offer of £ 100,000 from Swansea to as "Reds" Nose Wide foot back as well, and will offer the same number, so the only player not only whether to move to Anfield. or not.
"It's not every day, it's Kenny. Dalglish call you and ask that we not do at the weekend, "Gerrard. Lawler said the club president. IBC
"It is not surprising at all. The main reason for his call to reveal an interest in Donegal Rory Kelly for his stance clear that Liverpool want to sign a contract with him and he will come back. "
Mien's my Jolly, director of the club has moved on, "I ken" to contact Clifton, VA on Monday night to request permission to speak personally with the players IBC